الأربعاء، 29 أغسطس 2012

من هم الشيعه ( السبئيين)

.. من هم الشيعــــــــــــــــــــــه ..

الشيعة: مأخوذة من (المشايعة) بمعنى المتابعة، وتسمّى الشيعة بهذا الاسم لأنهم يشايعون علياً وأولاده الطاهرين(عليهم السلام) , ولايوجد دينا على وجه الارض كالشيعه .. لماذا ؟!!

لأنهم يبغضون ويحقدون على اناس بأسمائهم فهم يبغضون الخليفة أبابكرالصديق و يبغضون أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب ويبغضون خالد بن الوليد و يبغضون سعد بن أبي وقاص (رضي الله عنهم وارضاهم جيعا)..

و لا يتوقف بغضهم عند أولئك الصحابة الكرام، كلا! بل يبغضون عائشة بنت أبي بكر وحفصة بنت عمر (رضي الله عنهما) زوجتي الرسول (صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم) ويبغضون أمير المؤمنين عثمان بن عفان و يبغضون الزبير بن العوام ويبغضون أبا عبيدة عامر بن الجراح و يبغضون طلحة بن عبيدالله و يبغضون عبدالرحمن بن عوف و يبغضون أباهريرة (رضي الله عنهم وارضاهم)بل وصل بغضهم إلى صلاح الدين الأيوبي (رحمه الله) محرر بيت المقدس و هازم الصليبيين!

وهناك رأي أخر عن تكوين هذه الفرقة فقيل انها تكونت لبغضهم على المسلمين الذي كان لهم دورا في سقوط مملكة كسرى .فلذلك يبغضون القادة المسلمين الذين سبق ذكرهم ..

وقيل ان الشيعه تكونت من السبئية نسبة الى عبد الله بن سبأ مؤسس فرقة الشيعه , تظاهر بأنه مسلم في زمن عثمان بن عفان ليختلط بين المسلمين ويبث افكاره بينهم ومن افكاره الغلو في الامام علي فطاف بالبصرة والحجاز والكوفة ومصر والشام وتجمع حوله عدد كبير من الناس وصارلهم فرقة كبيرة تسمى السبئية وبعد أن تولى سيدنا علي الخلافة ازداد ابن سبأ في غلوه فنسب إلى علي الألوهية وعندما علم علي بذلك ألقى القبض على كل من استطاع من أتباع السبئية ولكن استطاع ذاك السبئ ان يهرب واخذ يبث افكارة في البلاد ..

ومع مرور الايام , كثر اتباعه , وخرج منهم فرقا كثيرة ..

..مالذي يرونــــــــــــــــه ويؤمـــــــــنـــون به..

ويرى الشيعة أن علي بن ابي طالب هو ونسله من زوجته فاطمه بنت النبي محمد هم أئمة مفترضوا الطاعة فيرون بأنه على المسلم التقي التشيع لعلي بن ابي طالب وموالاته , وانه جاء فيه نصا سماويا في وجوب طاعتهم , وهم المرجع الرئيسي للمسلمين بعد وفاة النبي. ويعتقدون ايضا بأن فاطمة الزهراء البتول بنت النبي (صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم) و قرّة عينه معصومة من الخطأ، وكذلك الحسن والحسين ابناء علي( رضي الله عنهم) معصومون من الخطأ ,ويطلقون على عليا اسم الإمام الذي يجب اتباعه دون غيره طبقاً لأمر من النبي محمد في بعض الأحاديث , ويستدلون بحديثا معينا في هذا الأمر وهو اثبات الإمامه لعلي بعد رسول الله وهو كالتالي: (إني تارك فيكم ما إن تمسكتم به لن تضلوا بعدي ; أحدهما أعظم من الآخر ; كتاب الله حبل ممدود من السماء إلى الأرض وعترتي أهل بيتي ولن يتفرقا حتى يردا على الحوض فانظروا كيف تخلفوني فيهما) وذكر هذا الحديث في كتبهم المعروفة عندهم ..

.. اشهر الفـــــــرق التي تكونــــــت من الشـيــــــــــــعه ..

ومن تلك الفرق الأغاخانية << وهي فرقه اسماعيلية شيعية , تنتسب الى حسن علي شاه وهي موجوده في ايران , وهؤلاء ينسبون الالوهيه لهذا الشخص , فيعبدونه وينفقون الاموال الطائلة له ويعيش كعيشة الملوك , وهم منتشرون في جميع الدول ..

و النصيرية ( العلويون )<< سموا بذلك لانهم يعتقون بأن الاله هو علي , وانه لم يمت بل هو يعيش في القمر ليدبر شؤون الخلق ..وجملتهم المشهوره هي (( علي الرب ومحمد الحجاب وسلمان الباب ))يقصدون بذلك

*علي * الرب والاله المستحق للعبادة *محمد *حجاب ارسله علي ليحجب بينه وبين الخلق *الباب *عندهم بمعنى الرسول ..

وهم منتشرون في سوريا وتركيا ولبنان ..

و البهائية << اسسها الميرزا حسين علي البهائي المدعي بالنبوة ومن شرائعهم عدد الركعات في الصلاة تسع ركعات والقبلة تكون موجهه على مدينة عكا وتحديدا على قبر البهائي , مقرهم في شيكاغو , ودخلها العديد من النصارى والمسلمين ويرأسهم الأن يهوديا ..

و الفرقة المشهورة هي الاثنا عشرية او الامامية <<تؤمن الطائفة الإثناعشرية بأربعة عشر معصوم منهم إثنا عشر إماماً معصوما، ويعتقدون بأن محمد المهدي ابن الحسن العسكري وهو عندهم الإمام الثاني عشر هو المنتظر الموعود الذي غاب عن الأنظار ثم سيعود ليملأ اللأرض عدلا..

وتعتبر الطائفة الإثناعشرية أكبر الطوائف الشيعية حتى في الوقت الحاضر وموجودة بكثرة في ايران وباكستان والهند والعراق ..

هذا الذي وضعته بإيجاز ومن اراد الاسهاب في هذة الجزيئة فهناك مواقع اسلامية كثيرة استرسلت في هذة النقاط منها شبكة الاشعاع الاسلامي للدراسات والبحوث الاسلامية وشبكة الدفاع عن السنة وصيد الفوائد , وغيرها من المواقع المميزة ..

.. اعيااااادهم التي ماانــــــــزل الله بها من ســـــــــلطان ..

من اعيادهم : .. عيد الفطر , عيد الاضحى , عيد الغديروهو بيعة غدير خم يفضلون هذا العيد على عيد الفطر والاضحى ويسمونه بالعيد الاكبر ويومه18 من ذي الحجه ويصومونه ..

عيد يوم عاشوراء في اليوم 10 من محرم وهو يوم حزين لهم .. تحدثت عنه في الاعلى ..

الاربعين سمي بذلك لانه يقع بعد اربعين يوم من عاشوراء وهو ذكرى احياء عذاب اطفال ونساء بيت الحسين بعد ان قتل في معركة كربلاء تم سبي الاطفال وماتو من العطش والحرارة الشديدة ..

المولد النبوي يوم 12 من ربيع الاول تقريبا كل الدول تحتفل ماعدا السعودية والشيعة تحتفل به في اليوم 17 من نفس الشهر لانه يوم ولادة الامام السادس عندهم , والايام من 12 الى 17 من ربيع الاول يطلق علية عندهم يوم الوحدة العالمي ..

نصف شعبان يوم 15 من شعبان يصومونه لاظهار الشكر لله ..

عيد النيروز معناه (اليوم الجديد) وهو يوم احتفال المجوس والنصارى , يعتقدون انه اليوم الذي خلق الله فيه النور والبعض يزعم انه اول الزمان الذي ابتدأ فيه بالدوران , وافتوا بصيام هذا اليوم كيوم الغدير ..

عيد بابا شجاع الدين وهو ( ابو لؤلؤة المجوسي ) الذي قتل الخليفة عمر بن الخطاب يقولون انه اليوم 9 من ربيع الاول ويسمونه بيوم المفاخرة، ويوم التبجيل، ويوم الزكاة العظمى، ويوم البركة، ويوم التسلية، وهم يحتفلون فيه بمقتل أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه، على يدي هذا المجوسي الخبيث.

واعيااد اخرى لاتنتهي .. وحماقات لاتنتهي لديهم .. لاحول ولاقوة الابالله ..

.. اللهم اعز الاسلام والمسلمين واذل الشرك والمشركين ودمر اعداء الدين ..

.. طريـــــــــقة احـتــــــــــــــفالاتهم ..

احتفال الشيعة وماادراك باحتفالاتهم !!

اعظم ايام احتفالهم هو يوم عاشوراء .. لماذا ؟!!

لأنه يصادف هذا اليوم يوم معركة كربلاء التي خاضها الحسين بن علي ضد يزيد بن معاوية بعد رفضه تقديم البيعة له، وهو يوم ثورة المظلوم على الظالم ويوم انتصار الدم على السيف كما يسميه المسلمون الشيعة , اعتادوا في هذا اليوم على ان يحيوا العزاء والاناشيد والاشعار الرثائيه والنحيب احتفالا بتلك المناسبة ..

واشهر المدن المحتفلة .. العراق , ايران , لبنان , الكويت , البحرين , ومن السعودية ( القطيف , الاحساء , المدينه المنورة ) فيقومون بوضع اللافتات والاعلام التي تكتب فيها عن المعركة وسب للخلفاء الثلاثه لأنهم يعتقدون انهم اغتصبوا الولاية عن علي فهم لايعترفون بنظام الشورى في الاسلام ..

وتبدأ المسيرات بالمشي والتجول في الشوارع من صباح يوم عاشوراء ويستمر إلى الظهر، ثم يبدأ التجمع، وتوزيع الطعام على الناس، ويليه الصلاة والاستراحة ثم تبدأ المسيرة مرة أخرى، وتستمر إلى منتصف الليل… وأما الاجتماعات المتفرقة، ومجالس القصص والتعزية المتفرقة فتستمر إلى أربعين يومًا << هذا في ايران ..

ومن الطقوس العراقية في الاحتفال بهذا اليوم كان الناس يستقبلون عاشوراء باهتمام حيث ترتدي النسوة ثيابا سوداء، ويمتنع المجتمع من أداء فروضه المفرحة كالأعراس أو احتفالات الختان ويمنع الناس على أنفسهم سماع الأغاني والموسيقى، وتبدأ البيوت برفع رايات ذات ألوان سوداء وخضراء وحمراء ولكل لون معنى، ثم تقام مجالس العزاء في الأحياء والجوامع والساحات وفي القرى والأرياف ومضائف رؤساء القبائل وعيون المجتمع ..

وفي هذه المجالس يقوم الشيخ أو القارئ بسرد قصة المعركة التي استشهد فيها الإمام الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب، لكنه يجعلها في إطار درامي محزن؛ حيث يذكر الكثير من الوقائع والقصص الجانبية التي تخيلها القراء والشعراء عبر حقب عديدة ..

وفي الهند , تقام عروض مسرحية شعبية بسيطة بصورة خاصة، يوم عاشوراء ويوم الأربعين، حيث ينصب مسرح شعبي يبنى من خشب البامبو، وتنصب أمامه أعلام كثيرة وبأشكال وألوان مختلفة ترمز إلى رايات الحسين وأهل البيت.

وقد يوضع أحيانا كف ذهبية أو نحاسية تدعى "پنجه" وترمز هذه الكف إلى يد العباس بن علي الذي قطعت يداه حينما ذهب لجلب الماء من نهر الفرات. وهناك الضريح وهو حجرة صغيرة لها قبة مدورة، وترمز إلى القاسم بن الحسن.. ثم يأتي "فرس الحسين" المدعو "ذو جناح" وهو أبيض اللون ذو سرج ثمين وملون بألوان زاهية , وفي الليل يبدأ مراسم العزاء ..

والله نااس مافيها عقل , معقولة لهذه الدرجة , رؤوس تسيل منها الدماء , ورقص مع سب لكبار الصحابة – عليهم غضب الله - وأم تقطع رأس ولدها لينزل منه الدم وهي في قمة الفرح معتقدة بذلك انها ادت ماعليها من العبادة ..

اسألكم بالله هذا في دين من ؟!! من من الاديان تقبل هذا التعصب ؟!! احمدوا الباري على نعمة الاسلام الذي فطركم عليها فوالله اننا في نعمة عظيمة غافلين عنها ..
اللهم ثبتنا على دينك دين الحق وامتنا اليك مسلمين واحشرنا مع عبادك المسلمين وابعثنا مع عبادك الصالحين

الأحد، 26 أغسطس 2012

Cells in the grip of Shiite Jordanian security

 Capture "sleeper cell Syria" in camp "Zaatari" Jordan

sources Jordanian-informed about the arrest of 25 refugees Syria entered Jordan on the grounds that they
 are refugees and later found they a "sleeper cells" came to Jordan in order to do acts of sabotage according to investigations carried out by Jordanian security.The sources said in a statement to the newspaper "tomorrow" Jordan issued today, "Sunday" The security services arrested the morning of the second day of Eid al-Fitr cell fully and impact the closure of Camp "Zaatari" Governorate Mafraq (75 kilometers north-east of Amman) and start campaigning inspection inside the camp in While the campaign coincided with the death of Syrian refugees burned inside his tent.The sources pointed out that the Jordanian security services suspect and Syrians that a person is in Jordan for the purpose of sabotage and after his arrest and interrogation made confessions about 25 Syria, mostly present in the camp, "Zaatari."The sources pointed out that by investigations show that these Syrians came to Jordan as refugees, but in fact is a sleeper cells have been organized by Syrian security services to carry out acts of sabotage in Jordan.The sources pointed out that the initial information about these cells is that they are attended to carry out terrorist attacks in Jordan, especially since its elements are trained to use weapons and installation of IEDs and explosives.Noteworthy that the Jordanian official sources have already expressed fears of extensive transit operations of Syrian refugees into Jordanian territory, especially since the security agencies to not possess full information about the Syrian refugees which facilitates the process of forming a spy cells or carry out acts of sabotage.The head of the Association of the Quran and Sunnah Jordanian Sheikh Zayed Hammad, who is his association of the largest associations in support of the refugees Syrians in providing relief materials, had already handed over people Syrian security services after attending the association's headquarters in Amman for information concerning refugees Syrians wanted by the Syrian regime One of them was in possession of a Syrian passport shows he entered into Turkey in one day about 15 times.Noteworthy that Jordanian security at the borders, "Jaber" with Syria had been deported three Syrians in early April this year after they tried to enter Jordan and possession of Precision spy and small cameras inside the clothes of one of them.

الخميس، 16 أغسطس 2012

His car was stolen in 1970 and retrieved in 2012

His car was stolen in 1970  and retrieved in 2012

Designed to restore the American car which was stolen in 1970, and has had what he wanted, but after more than four decades.

According to the
network, "CNN," the U.S. that after 4 decades to steal the car, Robert Russell of the model, "Austin Healey", now restored thanks to his estimate on.

She explained
that Russell, a resident of Texas, looking for his car since stolen in 1970 from his home in Philadelphia at the time.

the man recovered his car after it was discovered by a car-like on the website "eBay" when a vendor in East Los Angeles, contact the police and ask for help by taking really recognize them and recovered by.

The mystery of the man who hid Saddam Hussein

The mystery of the man who hid Saddam Hussein
 Namik Ala does not want to talk about this, or perhaps longed to that, it is difficult to know. The moment shaking his head to shut up Kckh solid, and then begin to talk as if he does not want to stop. He says - and his eyes Temtlian proud -: «I, who dug a hole», known to the world as «spider hole», which was the room a small underground on a farm Namik and found U.S. forces to Saddam Hussein on December 13 (December 2003).Namik rarely speaks and his brother Qais publicly about the way in which it helped to hide the most wanted fugitives in the world about 9 months in the wake of the invasion led by the United States. But now sipping tea in the restaurant, which opened this modest summer, which is not far from the «hole», ready to tell the story.May be more than enough time, perhaps he asked him a few individuals, but whatever the reason, his body relaxed Namik now long and his shoulders Aerbin on the plastic chair, holding a roll of tobacco and began goes on to talk about hiding the man who knew his family for decades. Said Namik, aged 41 years: «came here and asked us to help him, I agreed. He told us (you may gentleman for families and torture), but our habits of Arab and Islamic law urges us to help us to ask for help ».Saddam Hussein was born in a village near Tikrit, north of this small town located on the banks of the Euphrates River. When the U.S. military was looking for him, there was a conviction in place that will look for shelter among the people of his clan in Tikrit, among groves of palm trees and lush oranges and pears.Namik confirms that he and his brother Qais vulnerable to detention with Saddam Hussein and then spent 6 months in a desperate Abu Ghraib prison. Namik work in the former driver and aide to former President, then spent the last few years as a driver for a taxi, even in the end was able to provide some money to open a restaurant a few weeks ago.Namik said repeatedly during the interview, which lasted two hours: «will not share with you all, one day I will tell everything I know, and perhaps write a book or a movie, but I will not tell you everything», and then began to talk.Namik explained that his family, most likely he and his brother, Qais (who refused to be interviewed), helped in the transfer of Saddam Hussein between several houses in the area since the invasion in March 2003 until being captured. He said that Saddam Hussein did not use the phone, because he knows that the Americans had been wiretapping communications in search of his voice. He said that Saddam Hussein was reading heavy prose and poetry, his writings were confiscated by U.S. forces arrested him.He adds that Namik Saddam Hussein wrote to his wife and daughters, but he had not seen at all. Zaúrah was only two sons, Uday and Qusay - who says Namik that he had prepared for them a secret visit to the farm.Saddam's record a lot of speeches firearms during the period that was hiding in urging his supporters to fight the Americans. He says that Saddam Namik recorded on the recording device is small. To his knowledge that the Americans will analyze his recordings for clues lead them to his hideout, Namik was driving 10 kilometers to the city of Samarra and standing on the side of the road to record the voice traffic, and said: «I want you to feel bewildered Americans».Despite his execution by hanging in 2006 still holds Namik highly of Saddam Hussein, says Namik: «Saddam knows that Saasr and executed one day. Was in the inside know that everything has been lost and it is no longer president ».Namik says he was detained in Abu Ghraib, was interrogated by American soldiers on a daily basis on weapons of mass destruction and hiding places where Saddam's aides. He explained that the room set up where Saddam was dark all the time, bribe the guards and ground water to maintain moisture, and said that American soldiers detained him when he covered his face and was bitten by guard dogs. The process of mock executions and deafening rock music continuously. Said Namik without any trace of humor in his voice deep: «endured torture and dogs, but I could not bear the music».But a spokesman for U.S. Central Command said that military officials could not confirm details of the arrest or detention Namik, because the records of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in 2003 would be difficult to find. A spokesman for U.S. Special Operations Command said that «the majority of the details of the capture of Saddam Hussein is still surrounded by a fence of secrecy».And the transfer of Khalil al-Dulaimi, Saddam's lawyers, the former president in his book, published in 2009 as saying that he was known as Namik family since 1959 and they helped him to hide. In the book, there is a charge for Qais Namik, that is handed Saddam to U.S. forces, but Ala denies this categorically.Namik family turned to the family of similar property in the role, to house them a tribal man still has a lot of love here.Said Col. Mohammed Hassan, of the Iraqi police force stationed in the role: «We consider this act of heroism. This work does not belong to the family alone, but it represents all the citizens of this role because the city was like Saddam ». Hassan said that if the people of the role they hate Saddam, because family Namik was able to live there. He emphasized that family members are treated with great respect because they have worked for years to cooks and fishermen of Saddam Hussein. And the people in this respect the role of the family and appreciate more than ever.Saddam Hussein was buried near the village of Awja. But awareness of Nuri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, popularity enjoyed by the tyrant Saddam ordered him to close the tomb of Saddam to the public so as not to become his tomb to tomb.At the farm where Saddam was captured, was covered «spider hole» Palm at the bottom, a dome of concrete 4 feet long, is not clear to a large extent under the cages filled with parrots and bath.And dogs and chickens roam the land and carp swim in the huge orange pools. In the summer evenings are packed with fruit trees so that the gift of a breeze strong enough to fall fruits such as pears small yellow beads of rain.
 Moved for hardiness News -:

الثلاثاء، 14 أغسطس 2012

No Arab spring in Jordan, but his enemies burn bright summer

Jordanian National SecurityFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAmendments pending before it in this page is not checkedJump to: navigation, search
This article talks about the roles of the Jordanian army. If you mean something else see the security of Jordan (disambiguation).Military and Homeland Security
Select foundations of the Jordanian National Charter security of the Jordan Armed Forces, including:

Deepen the concept of professionalism has.
Work to strengthen their capabilities.
Expand its base and develop and mobilize the energies of the nation and the people.
National security is the most important task of the modern state, the concept of security has been limited to the sense of Mounah, power, and not to be subjected to the dangers of foreign invasion, and evolved to include:

Physical security
Food Security
Job security
Psychological security
And areas of interest to all citizens and society, to make up the national security.
The national security basis in the lives of citizens, there is no citizen can be produced, and creates and works without the safe, and when the lack of security on the way down the imposition of pilgrimage for those who wanted it, and set God penalty of terrorizing people and cut their ways and seek amok, be signed by the Governor upon punishment.
And national security is essential to provide the proper climate for the implementation of development policies of the State, and the advancement in science and technology. The Jordanian Armed Forces of National Security fence and the main tool in the protection of national achievements.
Jordanian Armed Forces fence shield the nation and ensuring its security and independence, and the military vanguard of the vanguard of the Arab liberation and defense of Arab dignity, and that the army's power and ability for citizens to be Istojban People's Army and a helper to promote effective national security national security. (National Pact)
Army succeeded in protecting national security and operations and functions of a variety of military and security to repel foreign aggression or prevent strife internal, so has the security and stability of Jordan to protect its borders from the Israeli aggression in 1968 in the battle of dignity, the first Arab victory over Israel, and fought battles in Palestine-Ami 1948 and 1967, in defense of the holy places and the earth, but his role was weakening to protect the security and stability of the brotherly Arab countries, as in the Ramadan War, 1973 between Syria and Israel, the army succeeded in achieving security and restoring stability to the nation and restored things to normal, and achieved national security efforts of his children since its inception to date present.The role of the armed forces in national development
Our army, my brothers, the army of message and the Army of the issue, a renewal of the renaissance of the Arab nation and the protection of this renaissance and strengthening of Arab rights, and supporting the Arab nation in all Bhalla, and maintain the ethics of Islam, which made it Arabism base of civilization live a creative great, based on the creation and the faith by the physical force , wealth and riches, and our military brothers, is also the future Army, with the challenge on the history and heritage, is also an ally of the mind of the scientific and modern, which is connected to power its future goal, and the future of the Renaissance, progress and science. (Of speech, God willing, the late King Hussein bin Talal in the graduation ceremony of the seventeenth session for officers of the Military College in 10/11/1979 AD).
Contributed to the armed forces in the development of the science establishment of the Language Institute, and the Royal Military College, which graduated the officer a bachelor's degree in military science, and to continue to study for Master's degree from National Defence College, the Jordanian monarchy, was also established military wing of the Mutah University in 1981, and the College of Prince Faisal Technical Royal Air Force, and the College of air-Hussein, and Princess Muna College of Nursing and other officers in order to produce competent qualified academically and militarily.
Our armed forces play their role in nation building and development of peacetime honestly as they are in time of war, the armed forces of Jordan since its inception an active role in the process of development through the rehabilitation of human resources, and provide services in various sectors, such as education in the schools of military culture, and building and construction and combating desertification by planting trees and contributing to the development of industry, and owns the Jordan Armed Forces has great potential based on the elements of science, technology and continuous updating of its structure, This is evident in the field of scientific talent and great potential in manufacturing, maintenance and training, health services and communications.
Also contributed to the armed forces in the implementation of economic projects and development and the establishment of dams and reservoirs dirt in the desert north-east, to increase the water resources within the project of water harvesting and removal of debris, and the opening of streets, roads and bridges, and supervise the work of blasting in quarries and the provision of education to open schools of the Directorate of Education and Culture military, and evacuation and rescue in case of disaster, and the fight against locusts, past and present, and injected in the market trained manpower after the end of the service in the armed forces, and print what you need government departments and institutions of publications; Kjeridh official, textbooks, and Atlas school in the presses of the armed forces in cooperation with the geographical center Royal.The role of the armed forces in the provision of health services
I have practiced the armed forces and duties essential military and extended its business to contribute to the delivery of health services for different segments of society, and holds the Royal Medical Services to provide services, health services for more than a third of Jordan's population almost, The military and their families, as well as civilians who do not find a cure or possibilities in medical institutions, the other being treated in centers and hospitals of the Royal Medical Services. It is affiliated hospitals for medical services Ownership:

King Hussein Medical
Mschfah Queen Alia
Prince Zeid Hospital
And other hospitals and health centers, many more.
Developed medical services in the armed forces, and became comparable to the technical capabilities finest medical services world, and linked to Al Hussein Medical City lines of communication by electronic computer with the finest hospitals in the world, and includes medical staff from various disciplines, and the complexity of medical conferences and conducts a head start in the Middle East, as well to the medical staff are trained in Arabic, and frequented by patients from Arab and foreign countries for the reputation of medical excellence.
"The relationship between the Jordanian press and national security"
Researcher Mamdouh Soliman al-Amiri
Provided by the University of the Middle East for Higher Studies 17/8/2008 Arabs Today: The researcher Mamdouh Soliman al-Amiri, sponsored by the Directorate of Moral Guidance of the Armed Forces, a master's degree in the media of the Middle East University for Graduate Studies for his thesis "The relationship between the Jordanian press and national security." The study concluded that the legislation and laws journalist guaranteed freedom of the press, the Jordanian press have not benefited from an atmosphere of freedom in full in order to provide free and responsible press to serve the national interests, and the reason for this is that the editorial boards on the Jordanian press self-imposed self-censorship with regard to national security. The study aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between the press daily and weekly Jordanian institutions and national security. The study focused on the reality of the press, and their ability to exercise freedom of the press to serve the national interest. The study focused on the applicability of legislation and relevant laws on press freedom in the preservation of the violation and a threat to national security. And distributed a questionnaire to the heads of managers and secretaries of Liberation in 3 daily newspapers and 3 weekly newspapers. As well as interviews with some experts to verify the nature of the relationship between the Jordanian press and national security services. The study found that there is a positive, cooperative relationship between the press and institutions of national security. It showed that the Jordanian press has focused on the concerns of citizens and covered the corruption, but in spite of legislation and laws that guaranteed press freedom of the press. The study recommended that editors must exercise full freedom of the press, and to take into account the social responsibility on the national security of Jordan. It also called to continue the training of journalists and a mechanism for cooperation and understanding between the media and the security services during a crisis. The committee was formed discussion of each of the d. Ibrahim Ahmad Abu shank, head and supervisor, and the membership d. Issam Mousa, d. Ezzat Hijab, d. Mahmoud Hlbeh.
Translation by Google

Obama's post-rebalancing of the Middle East

U.S. strategy to restore balance to the Middle East

In the event of unrest and instability that dominated the Middle East, is on Martin Indyk, director of the Saban Center for Middle East Studies Brookings Institution, and Tamara Coffman responsible program of reform in the Arab World at the Saban Center to develop a strategy constructively to restore balance in the Middle East, as part of a series (Chance 2008) interested in developing strategies and policies for the next U.S. president.
The study focused titled "re-balance in the Middle East .. some constructive strategy of containment" I have to divide the Sunni - Shiite and redrawing the U.S. role in the region has become a strong challenge for the next U.S. president. Which requires the need to return to work on many levels:
First, the need to revitalize diplomatic "balance of power" and confirm the consistency between values ​​and American interests.
Second, work to contain the Iraqi civil war.
Third, the strong support of moderation
Fourth, to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, and finally support the democratic transition in the region.
The study points out that Iran has succeeded in extending arc of influence from Baghdad to Beirut via Damascus, an arc radicals, according to the study, which has increased strength because of the mistakes the United States in the region, and poor performance in Iraq, the stalemate of the peace process on the Arab level - the Israeli and the inability to stop Iran's nuclear ambition.
And draws the study drew attention to it is naive to divide the region into a strong moderate and other hard-line only, or between Sunni and Shia, the problem facing the next U.S. president is very complicated because the United States no longer controls the territory, and will be the new president will seek to support the coalition moderation in order to rein in Iran in the region.
That any future U.S. strategy in the Middle East must be based on the following elements:
- Renew efforts to Bhlhalh Arab - Israeli conflict and could lead to disengagement from Syria to Iran.
- To contain the repercussions of the civil war in Iraq.
- Negotiations with Iran must be aimed at reducing nuclear ambitions, and held bilateral negotiations in order to reduce the fears of its neighbors.
- Develop regional security arrangements to contain the Iranian threat and prevent a nuclear arms race in the region, in order to protect allies from falling under a nuclear umbrella.
- Develop an agenda for political and economic reform may contribute to the drafting of a new social contract between Arab governments and their peoples.
- In the least stable should focus on building democratic institutions, instead of interest only to conduct a fair election.
Find an effective strategy
Study points out that the new U.S. president, regardless of its name, will be forced to search for an effective strategy to protect American interests in the region and have to start this strategy by understanding what is happening there on the ground, and then determine what the United States can do.
In this respect it should be paying attention to two things, first is the nature of the strong competition between Sunnis and Shiites, and which has been lurking under the surface for many centuries, has now emerged because of the sectarian fighting in Iraq, which is the latest split between two large, one Shiite-led Iran, the second Sunni-led Saudi Arabia, Egypt and all the stream contains inside extremists and moderates, which will inevitably prompt the United States to support the moderates against the extremists.
The second thing is reduced U.S. ability to influence the course of the situation in the region and is worth mentioning that the U.S. influence in the politics of the region has reached the maximum levels of the early nineties after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
But the situation is now completely changed, where suffering of American hegemony over the region of the decline significantly, affected by the dire situation in Iraq, as well as the neglect of Arab-Israeli conflict, at which time it increased the effect of some other powers such as China and Russia.
This weakness in the American area of ​​influence in the region impose on the next president will return to the strategic balance of power, even with its flaws the moral that can result from the application. It also imposes that the next U.S. administration looking to Approaches and new ways to solve problems of the region.
Strategic objectives is an urgent
Taking the study indicates that there are a set of strategic objectives that must be pressing on the next U.S. president work to achieve in order to protect American interests in the region, and these goals are as follows:
• contain the civil war in Iraq, in order to prevent access to the implosion of the rest of the Arab region.
• Support the forces of moderation in the Arab world, which can stand in the face of Iranian influence, and prevent the spread of radical currents in the region. Which can be achieved by pushing the peace process between Arabs and Israel, and strengthening the alliance between the two parties in order to confront Iran.
• prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and creating a security framework to prevent the consequences of any arms race in the Middle East.
• supporting the policies of economic liberalization and expand the scope of political reform in order to comply with the aspirations of the peoples of the region, which may reduce the radical tendencies in countries that alliance ties with the United States.
America and the Arabs .. Conflicting interests
Research shows that there is a contradiction of interests between the United States and the Arabs, despite the warning, "Sunni", which came from Egypt through Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the existence of a Shiite crescent in the region, but the United States did not pay attention to the matter at the beginning.
And so came the war in Lebanon in the summer of 2006 and clarified the nature of the relationship between Syria and Hezbollah and Iran. And the insistence of Syria to thwart the efforts of Egypt in a deal that the launch of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
Arabs reject, according to the study, to extend Iranian influence than just the Gulf region, to Tehran to become a mediator in many of the files Arabic as is the case in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.
It also condemns the Arabs along the Shiite crescent from Tehran through Iraq's government, as well as the relationship with the Alawites in Damascus and Hezbollah in Lebanon, according to the study was the war in Lebanon reflect, in fact, a struggle between two great camps, both of which carries a different vision for the future of the Middle East.
First camp includes Hassan Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad and both had a vision to convert the region to the resistance front against Israel and the United States and some Arab regimes.
The second camp fitted inside the leaders of the Sunni Arab states like Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Jordan (U.S. allies), and they believe that the Iranian threat is on different levels, not least the impact of letters of Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah, the Arab street.
Not to mention the threat to regional security of the Arab countries that share with the U.S. security umbrella in one.
So was the Arab leaders that the only way to stop the spread of Iranian influence in the region is that the United States to support the Lebanese government, and support for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as advancing the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis, and to prevent Iran from expansion in Iraq and stop developing its nuclear program.
But in contrast, the Arab leaders do not agree with Washington in the outlook for some Sunni extremists, according to the study, Hamas does not look like an extremist movement for Arab leaders, and to make friends and improve the relationship with them may lead to disengagement with Iran. The suppression of these leaders against the Sunni resistance in Iraq, and that would lead to an increase in Shiite influence there.
Diplomatic agenda
The study draws attention to the weakness of the American situation in the region has increased the need for the United States to help others, it has proved the failure of the famous saying of President Bush "is not with us is against us."
As a result of the tense situation in Iraq, and the results of the Lebanon war, must be recognized that effective military tool in solving the problems of the region, so you must return to the tool of diplomacy.
May have been understood by some to resort to diplomatic means weakness, as is the case with Iran, but has to be recognized that all the files in the Middle East need to be as much an art of diplomacy to manage the rules of the game there.
- Can be applied to diplomacy through the following points:
- Create an alliance with views of the Alliance of Iranian - Syrian - Iraqi - Hezbollah.
- Follow the cautious diplomacy with Iran based on pressure to halt its nuclear program, and try to push the peace process, Arab - Israeli conflict.
- To persuade Arab allies need to put more effort in the field of political and democratic reform.
- Find a configurable combination of the founders of moderate Arabs and the United States to cope with radical currents.
- Increase financial and economic efforts to promote economic and political transition in friendly countries such as Egypt.
- Test the seriousness of the shift towards Islamic moderation.
And all this according to the opinion of the writer mentioned in the source text, and without comment.
Source: Washington Report - Issue -117

The mystery of the fall of Baghdad

The mystery of the fall of Baghdad

Iraqi general reveals the secrets of the fall of Baghdad
Revealed a former Iraqi general secrets about the fall of Baghdad, stressing that the Ministry of Defense prevented from planning and management of the battle of Baghdad, although it is concerned.

Said Major General Mizher Taha Ghanam staff officer in the Iraqi Ministry of Defense during the war and now serves as chief of police in Salahuddin province, said in an interview with Xinhua, "through the office at the corner of the Ministry of Defense is allowed me access to much during the war, I confirm that the sudden collapse
was a surprise to us at the Ministry of Defence.He said Ghannam, "did not allow the Ministry of Defence plans to defend Baghdad and to manage its battle so it was the Ministry's role secondary and entrusted this task to the Republican Guard and he oversaw the Republican Guard and led by Qusay's son, former President and this man was not a military but also is a graduate of the Faculty of Law."He Ghannam "before more than a year of the war prepared the Defense Ministry preparing and turned the cities of Iraq to put an easily defensible in terms of packing and preparation on the ground and creating defensive positions successively and the distribution of piles equipment and materials supply the fighting and plans were drawn up defense for the defense of all the cities of Iraq, and calculated many accounts, including give up some of the cities with important secondary focus on the defense of sites of strategic importance of the task and by the importance of these cities and a section of Iraq to the areas to avoid the case of communication breakdown has been appointed the leaders of these regions, but unfortunately, the leaders were not military leaders but they are as political. "He said Ghannam, "there is the principle military is a must refrain from pushing the pieces before organize, train and create the attribution of administrative and fiery her when to not be these things ready to find piece of military itself in a critical and you can not lead its duty and this is what happened, that the attacking forces advanced from the axes are no where pieces of heavy and benefited from their ability to poll also had collaborators largely from outside Iraq, or within, military units of the Republican Guard found itself paralyzed and could not play a role in defense of Baghdad and the Pentagon were banned by the political leadership to manage the battle of Baghdad. "He stressed Ghannam that there are other reasons led to the rapid collapse of a poor performance, neglect and Altgosairr many things, including poor leadership, and not to create defensive positions correctly and not to create a theater of operations correctly and this led to confuse the general situation and said that "the soldier who does not have a position to fight how to fight? if they were not system barriers in front of him how to fight? If there is no attribution of a bullet enough to him how to fight? If you do not assign an administrative and there is no clear plan how to fight and even the pieces that come to strengthen the move in these difficult circumstances and cut hundreds of kilometers and up to Baghdad and find a place where it is fighting led to confusion and poor performance. "He said Ghannam that what happened from the contradictions in the leadership and the prevention of military commanders professionals to perform their role due to security reasons, because Saddam was afraid of the military coup that did not carry out their duties the main defense of Baghdad and said, "The Republican Guard did not have a leader, a variety alien to us as the military was the Republican Guard chief of staff and appointed Qusay Saddam supervisor him as the leader and the best of my knowledge that the chief of staff possesses no real decision to act on Guard, but the real decision, however, Supervisor, who is a civilian has the experience of a few In my opinion, that the Republican Guard is not available to him appropriate leadership was not ready right conditions in defense of Baghdad and the Minister of Defense did not have the necessary powers and can not issue an order inconsistent with the directives of the commander of the southern region, Ali Hassan al-Majid, commander of the North or Izzat al-Duri or others so the military leaders who were bound and marginalized. "He continued by saying, "To my knowledge told Qusay and Minister of Defense that the defense of Baghdad, the task of the Republican Guard and the Ministry of Defence as it only be a spectator in this aspect, stressing that the Defense Department was confident that appropriate measures are not taken in defense of Baghdad and the reality."And the battle for the airport which was considered the beginning of the collapse, said Ghannam, "in the Ministry of Defense since the early days, we told them (leadership) that the first target will attack in Baghdad is the international airport and we had perfect clarity to this subject because we put ourselves forward."

الاثنين، 13 أغسطس 2012

Discovery of gold in commercial quantities in Baghdad

Discovery of gold in commercial quantities in Baghdad

Continue drilling operations in the area of ​​luxury Aldajh populated eastern Baghdad after the discovery of the existence of huge amounts of gold atoms of metal in the soil ... and continue exploration and drilling for more than QNitin in the region, under the street extending from Fudhaliyah until the end of al-Obeidi neighborhood, or so-called (Htit), a low water is used for the diversion of rain water in flood seasons, said that the leader Abd al-Karim Qasim is drilled.Was raised thousands of tons of dust, which set aside in order to purification and extraction of gold atoms. During the past two years to begin drilling operations is a natural and extends for several meters deep in the ground apart from the longitudinal drilling, which extends for more than ten kilometers, then turns out that the issue related to the discovery of gold under the supervision of an American company.And Iraq is full of large quantities of petroleum which Aistvid from the Iraqi people which are exported huge quantities of it to global markets and money returns do not prepare for the Allens and countless citizen any of them, while there are other minerals in smaller quantities.However, the discovery of gold in the luxury and commercial quantities could turn Iraq into a producer of gold more than oil, and pay the Western countries to re-occupation of as usual through the centuries passed his time, dusty, and is expected to increase the prices of real estate in this neighborhood modest start with the influx of job seekers gold